Roast Beef Salad Roll

  1. To create a sweet ginger chilli sauce, combine 150mL water with ⅔ cups of sugar, 125mL of rice wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon of finely minced ginger, a teaspoon of fish sauce and 1 fresh Thai chilli, seeded and finely chopped.

  2. Toss Hunsa Shaved Roast Beef with 60mL of hoisin sauce. Mix with 12 large basil leaves, 2 cups of rocket, ½ cup of sliced red onion and 1 cup of chopped beetroot.

  3. Lightly toast bread rolls in a sandwich press or preheated oven, and add roast beef salad filling to taste. Season with sweet ginger chilli sauce or mustard.

Recipe courtesy of Ontario Meat & Poultry.